27. Summary


First step of policy iteration in gridworld example (Sutton and Barto, 2017)

First step of policy iteration in gridworld example (Sutton and Barto, 2017)

## Introduction

  • In the dynamic programming setting, the agent has full knowledge of the MDP. (This is much easier than the reinforcement learning setting, where the agent initially knows nothing about how the environment decides state and reward and must learn entirely from interaction how to select actions.)

### An Iterative Method

  • In order to obtain the state-value function v_\pi corresponding to a policy \pi, we need only solve the system of equations corresponding to the Bellman expectation equation for v_\pi.
  • While it is possible to analytically solve the system, we will focus on an iterative solution approach.

### Iterative Policy Evaluation

  • Iterative policy evaluation is an algorithm used in the dynamic programming setting to estimate the state-value function v_\pi corresponding to a policy \pi. In this approach, a Bellman update is applied to the value function estimate until the changes to the estimate are nearly imperceptible.

### Estimation of Action Values

  • In the dynamic programming setting, it is possible to quickly obtain the action-value function q_\pi from the state-value function v_\pi with the equation: q_\pi(s,a) = \sum_{s'\in\mathcal{S}, r\in\mathcal{R}}p(s',r|s,a)(r+\gamma v_\pi(s')).

### Policy Improvement

  • Policy improvement takes an estimate V of the action-value function v_\pi corresponding to a policy \pi, and returns an improved (or equivalent) policy \pi', where \pi'\geq\pi. The algorithm first constructs the action-value function estimate Q. Then, for each state s\in\mathcal{S}, you need only select the action a that maximizes Q(s,a). In other words, \pi'(s) = \arg\max_{a\in\mathcal{A}(s)}Q(s,a) for all s\in\mathcal{S}.

### Policy Iteration

  • Policy iteration is an algorithm that can solve an MDP in the dynamic programming setting. It proceeds as a sequence of policy evaluation and improvement steps, and is guaranteed to converge to the optimal policy (for an arbitrary finite MDP).

### Truncated Policy Iteration

  • Truncated policy iteration is an algorithm used in the dynamic programming setting to estimate the state-value function v_\pi corresponding to a policy \pi. In this approach, the evaluation step is stopped after a fixed number of sweeps through the state space. We refer to the algorithm in the evaluation step as truncated policy evaluation.

### Value Iteration

  • Value iteration is an algorithm used in the dynamic programming setting to estimate the state-value function v_\pi corresponding to a policy \pi. In this approach, each sweep over the state space simultaneously performs policy evaluation and policy improvement.